Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 Press kit
Release Date:
Amiga / Sega Mega Drive/Genesis / Atari ST/STE
The second Lotus game shifted focus to arcade-oriented gameplay. Being the first of the series released for a game console (for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive under the title Lotus Turbo Challenge), the fuel limit and difficulty levels were dropped, and the lap-based levels were replaced with course-based time trials, (not unlike arcade games such as Out Run), with the player required to complete each course within a specified time to qualify for the next one.
In addition to the Esprit Turbo SE, Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 also featured the Lotus Elan SE, hence 'Esprit' being dropped from the title. There was no choice of car however; the player runs with the Elan SE on odd levels, and with the Esprit on even levels.
Lotus 2's single-player mode uses all of the game screen instead of half, and opponent cars appear in a variety of colors (opponent cars in the original game were all white). However, music is absent from racing altogether; the player instead hears the car's engine sound.
Lotus 2 was developed for the Amiga and then converted for the other platforms.
There are far more images available for Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact the developer!
Inspired by presskit() by Rami Ismail(Vlambeer)